Dave Marciniak

Dave Marciniak

Dave Marciniak is a landscape designer and speaker. He lives in Culpeper, Virginia and can be found via his website and on Twitter.

Judd Viburnum | Viburnum x juddii

Here at Revolutionary Gardens World HQ, we refer to Judd Viburnum (Viburnum x juddii) as “the drunk dial plant.” Here’s why: Way back when I first started the business, we did a Culpeper landscape installation in the springtime. The clients…

Pin Oak | Quercus palustris

Every time I plant a Pin Oak (Quercus palustris), I feel like the subject of a Buzzfeed article. “This designer planted a Pin Oak and you won’t believe what happened next.” What happened next is it did great! They’re just…

Eastern redbud | Cercis canadensis

Eastern redbud (Cercis canadensis) is a sign to start getting excited, another winter is ending! My work as a Virginia landscape designer takes me all over Virginia, and I love seeing those flashes of bright pinkish-purple blooms lighting up the…

River Birch | Betula nigra

There are a few trees that most people can readily identify. Birch trees are one, no doubt about it. The graceful, multi-trunk form and light, peeling bark are pretty much iconic. Here in Virginia, the birches that do really well…

Black Chokeberry | Aronia melanocarpa

Common names for plants are a funny thing. They run the gamut from evocative – Queen Anne’s lace, butterfly weed – to kind of horrifying. Black chokeberry is so named because the fruit is so overwhelmingly bitter and astringent that…