Bethesda koi pond

A liability – a steep slope right outside the house – became an asset in this Bethesda water feature. We used the hillside to create the appearance of a pool filled by a mountain spring, working around many of the client’s existing plants.

Culpeper water feature

Why should a Culpeper outdoor kitchen design be boring? For this winery client I was tasked with creating a space that would serve as both an outdoor kitchen and a tasting bar. The streambed running through the middle of the tasting bar is a one-of-a-kind touch that all the visitors love. You can see it for yourself at Old House Vineyards in Culpeper, VA.

Modern Fairfax water feature

For this Fairfax County VA water feature, the homeowner wanted the sound of water in a contemporary setting. Since the patios and wall caps were light colored travertine marble, we carried that through to the water feature. Water bubbles up from a carved granite millstone, then flows down a concrete rill. In the photo above, you can just see the LED lights lining the rill.

At night, the color changing LEDs can create an amazing light show, controlled via a tiny remote control!

Fredericksburg pool design

A 16’x40’ swimming pool is the heart of this Fredericksburg landscape installation. A granite-faced wall spills three waterfalls into the pool, creating a dramatic and beautiful focal point.

Culpeper swimming pool landscape design

We designed and installed new waterfalls and landscaping for this existing free-form swimming pool in Culpeper, Virginia.

Unique Culpeper water feature

How do you get the sound of water in a compact backyard? For this Culpeper water feature, we put it right in the custom-built outdoor dining table! A UV filter hidden under the tabletop keeps the water sparkling clean.

Historic Manassas swimming pool design

We were lucky to get to design the landscape for one of the most beautiful historic homes in Old Town Manassas. This swimming pool is the centerpiece of this outstanding backyard.

Centreville pond and waterfalls

What was once a flat grass backyard in Centreville became a large pond full of happy, playful fish. A rocky stream flows in at one end, while a dramatic four foot high waterfall crashes into the pond at the other end, drowning out road noise and creating a backyard oasis.

Sperryville pond and waterfall

The steep hillside behind the house could’ve made this Sperryville landscape design difficult. Luckily the homeowner wanted a water feature, so we designed a streambed and pond that look like they’ve always been there.