2019’s Holiday Poem

‘Twas mere days before Christmas, but we hadn’t slowed down

We were digging and building, criss-crossing the town.

Not just us, oh no no, it’s everyone this year

For some reason it seems we’re all missing some cheer. 

Then into my inbox popped an unforeseen plea:

“It’s been quite a while but we’d like our new tree!” 

Oh please no, oh my gosh, was all I could think

I have not the time, nor the coffee to drink!

But I am that classical middle born child,

I just can’t say no (I’m so tender! So mild!)

So I said, with a sigh, let me get crackin’

And I’ll see what my magical elves can make happen. 

The actual tree! (Nursery elf not included)

The tree that they wanted was a large Norway spruce,

So big and so wide it could swallow a moose.

I got out my pad and made marks like a mystic

Until I had figured out all the delivery logistics. 

We got that tree there, and as I watched him review it

My client reminded me just why we all do it.

“I love it! It’s huge! So much more than I knew!

I need to go buy more lights, not just one strand or two!

We’re new in this house and our family will be here,

This tree all lit up will give them ALL holiday cheer!”

I’ve been sort of a humbug, I’m not proud to say

But my heart might have grown three sizes that day. 

As we rolled down the road, the smell of mulch in the air,

In my mirror was a tree that needed neither partridge, nor pear. 

Our happy homeowner, so full of delight

Was already starting to wrap it with lights. 

I crested the hill and of the tree I lost sight,

But I heard him call out “Happy Holidays to all, and to all a good night!”

From all of us here at Revolutionary Gardens, thanks for being part of our family. Have a wonderful holiday season and a Happy New Year!

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