I’m currently working on a project to sort, categorize, and tag all the photos on my hard drive. All 24,585 of them. As a result I don’t read as many blogs as I’d like, but there are a few that I do still like to keep up with. If you’re looking to learn some cool stuff about landscape design and installation, gardening, and assorted coolness, these are worth checking out. Tell them I sent you!
1. DC Tropics
John Boggan is a botanist and plant enthusiast right here in the DC area. His blog, DC Tropics, is a great resource for those who are interested in pushing their luck and growing tropicals – yes, tropicals – in the DC area. Lots of gorgeous pics, and you may learn something. I know I’ve been amazed at how tough some species of plants actually are.
2. The Garden Professors
There’s a reason I’m constantly referencing the Garden Professors blog, and linking to their posts on my FB page: they’re awesome. With so much misinformation out there (some of it innocent, some of it by hucksters looking to fleece the unknowing) the world needs an online resource where decisions and recommendations are made using science. The Garden Professors blog is the hero Gotham City deserves.
3. Grounded Design
My writing style and Thomas Rainer’s are pretty much polar opposites. If we were Ghostbusters, he’d be the Spengler to my Venkeman. But on his blog Grounded Design, Thomas does a solid job of discussing natives, perennials, and the state of landscape architecture. Fascinating stuff.
4. Garden Rant
Reading blogs where you agree with every single post gets boring. Garden Rant is an intriguing blend of information and opinion. I may not always agree with their positions (see: lawn, leaf blowers) but posts are well written and you’ll likely learn something along the way. And one of the Ranters has some fabulous B-movie credits to her name. Who? You’ll have to read to find out.
5. Pith + Vigor
If you like a very polished, online magazine look to your garden blogging you’ll love Pith + Vigor. The posts have a very lifestyle/shelter mag quality to them, and it’s like standing at the magazine racks at Barnes and Noble, flippy through glossy pages of pretty stuff. And Rochelle’s a heck of a writer to boot.
6. Kiss My Aster
For starters, that blog name – Kiss My Aster – is epic. And Amanda makes my blog look uptight. What else do you need to know?
7. The Renegade Gardener
I’ve loved the Renegade Gardener for years. Or at least I’ve loved his blog. Haven’t met Don in person. Anyhow, if you’ve ever wondered what goes through a landscape designer’s head but they’re WAY too diplomatic (and sober) to say it to you? Now you know.
Are there more blogs out there? There are a GAZILLION! If you think I missed a great one, and as such I’m the world’s biggest idiot, let me know in the comments. If I get enough suggestions there’ll be a part 2. In the meantime, go read more blogs. It’s good for you.
DC Tropics says
Thanks so much for the mention!