I’m not saying I want the kind of bizarre snow that hit Buffalo earlier this year (60+ inches? Nope) but if it’s going to be cold and gray, a little white stuff here and there would be welcome. No matter what the weather, I’m always ready for spring to show up. There are several plants that bloom earlier and loudly, and I’m always excited to see them because it means spring is around the corner. Here are three of my favorites Virginia spring blooming plants:
Winter Jasmine
I’ve seen Winter Jasmine blooming in February so it’s a stretch to say it means that spring is right around the corner, but those sprays of yellow flowers on bare stalks, surrounded by the blah gray and brown of winter, give me hope and warm fuzzies. Who doesn’t like hope and fuzzies?
Now we’re talking. If the Forsythia is blooming, spring is getting close. Brilliantly yellow flowers blanket a plant that, if you know what you’re doing, you’ve left to grow a little wild.
There are numerous Camellia varieties and each is known for its particular bloom time and color. I happen to like the pink spring blooming Camellias in my neighbor Steve’s yard, because they’re another reminder that the best of the season is yet to come.
What spring blooming plants do you look forward to every year?