Checking In: Retail Garden Center Design

Several years ago, one of the landscape contractors I’ve worked with in New England contacted me. He had purchased an old transmission shop and was interested in turning it into a retail garden center and operations base for his landscape company, and needed a design. It was certainly a challenging piece of property:

Nice for a transmission shop, I guess, but not for a nursery.

We talked about space planning and flow and I worked closely with the engineer who did the site plan, as she had some very stringent requirements for sight lines and parking that she had to adhere to.

Since we had to convince the Town Selectmen and the Department of Transportation that our ideas were awesome, I also created some 3D renderings:


The plan sailed through approvals, and several years later I was finally able to swing by and take a look at the finished product. Changes were made to the plan to reflect budget and how they came to use the space, but I like how it turned out!





    • Thanks! I love the tagline for your blog, “working with the clay, not against it.” Too perfect for VA!

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