Category Uncategorized

Sweetbox | Sarcococca

When I was a kid, with a very active imagination, my friend’s parents bought a new fridge. Seeing that cardboard monolith that I could turn into a fighter plane. I couldn’t help but say “dude, sweet box!” Nowadays, when I…

Judd Viburnum | Viburnum x juddii

Here at Revolutionary Gardens World HQ, we refer to Judd Viburnum (Viburnum x juddii) as “the drunk dial plant.” Here’s why: Way back when I first started the business, we did a Culpeper landscape installation in the springtime. The clients…

Pin Oak | Quercus palustris

Every time I plant a Pin Oak (Quercus palustris), I feel like the subject of a Buzzfeed article. “This designer planted a Pin Oak and you won’t believe what happened next.” What happened next is it did great! They’re just…